Saturday, December 31, 2011

Chilling at KL

Just kicking back with Em at Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
I've been having a great time. We flew Malaysia Airlines over and after my last few plane flights being on cheap domestic carriers, it was pretty cool to get food and beverages I didn't have to pay for. I tucked into everything because my philosophy is that I may as well get my moneys worth. They gave us ice cream bars for dessert and the hostess was saying they were very 'hot'. We had to laugh because the ice creams were incredibly cold - it was minus 50 outside and I wondered if the ice creams were just attached to the wing or something. My tongue stuck itself to the ice cream and I thought at one stage I could be in trouble, but once it thawed it was all good.

Em was worried because I was indulging in everything that was offered (alcohol included) but I kept things definitely in check... burp!

We arrived at KL around 8pm local time and once we figured out how to get to our hotel we were sweet.

The hotel is practically located at the airport. We saw in the new year in bed as we were both pretty cactus.

Well we're off to Siem Reap now, Em wants to board so will update you soon.

PS. We stole a baby already... Nah that's just my nephew Oscar!

Thursday, June 30, 2011


The reality is reality is too painful.
This is why we spend so much time trying to escape reality.
Escaping reality is futile also, because the reality is...
Reality is reality.

At some point you have to either acknowledge what 'is' or you will spend your life trying to escape it. Escaping reality doesn't change what 'is' - it merely takes you in another direction so you can avoid dealing with what the reality is.

When we acknowledge reality we have something we can work with.
In accepting reality we say, 'Well things aren't great, in fact they're @#$%'.
Maybe that's the reality.
From here, hopefully we can get to the point of 'Things are @#$%, now what do I do?'.

The question, 'Now what do I do?' is something that you can work with. Words can be spoken and action can be taken in order for things to be different.

What is the reality that you do not want to accept today?
What is it that scares you about accepting this reality?
What could be different if you tackled it rather than running away, escaping, distracting yourself etc. etc.?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

An introduction to 'To ...'

To ...,

This is a blog about nothing in particular. It serves no purpose other than allowing me to vent. It's about things that perhaps I wish I could say, things that maybe are not that helpful to say or things that I wish I said.

I'm not having a go at anyone, just merely getting things off my chest.

To ... might feel like I'm talking to you but I'm not. Just talking to the web 'out there', to no-one in particular.